2012 Events
Mission: We, having dutifully served our nation, do hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world
Winter Solstice Concert 2012
A Huge Thanks to all the people who turned out to work and play with us last night.
For More photos cick the picture below
More photos from our Peace Helmet award winner Dave Pokorney –
Thank you Dave!
2012 Solstice flyer-1 VFP 12 Solstice program
Memorial Day Display May 26 – 28
Thanks to indymag for this excellent video of the VFP Memorial Day Display
They write:
Veterans for Peace Gainesville Florida Chapter (14) displayed more than 6,400 tombstones from dawn on May 26, 2012 through dusk on Memorial Day May 28 on Eighth Avenue just east of 34th Street in Gainesville, Florida as part of their Memorial Day Weekend event to remember those who have died in the wars in Afghanistan since 2001 and in Iraq since 2003. Each stone includes the soldier’s name, date of death, age, branch of service, rank and hometown. Soldiers with local ties have an American flag affixed to the stone.
Members of Veterans of Peace were there to assist friends and families in finding the tombstone memorials of their lost loved ones with a book of the soliders’ names and the location in the display.
Many people write messages on the tombstones, and when you walk by and read the messages left by visitors, it’s very moving. Thousands of people come to this three-day event each year to remember loved ones and walk through the mile of tombstones and names.
When Veterans for Peace began the Memorial Mile in 2006, they never thought they would still be doing it today.
Facebook Link
2012 News Coverage:
Gainesville Iguana
Gainesville Sun
May Day
Vets for Peace joined with its allies in Occupy Gainesville to Honor our working people:
Gainesville had a mellow Occupy Mayday event cosponsored by the Labor Council with Free eats from Food not Bombs, the famous Gainesville Radical Cheerleaders and tabling by groups such as Move to Amend.
Peace Poetry Contest 2012
Welcome Marion County students who are joining Alachua County students who have participated for the last tow years in the Vets for Peace Poetry Contest
Saturday May 12th, 2pm
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville
event flyer
Facebook Page
Iguana Article By Jessica Newman
Gainesville Sun Article by Alexandra Hamilton
Winning poems published in the Gainesville Sun|
PPC Booklet 2012-2
Invisible War
This film Documents sexual abuse in the military and was cohosted by Vets for Peace and the Hippodrome theater on May15. Its subject is the epidemic rape in the military and how the chain of command is failing repeatedly to protect its soldiers both male and female.
website and trailer
Facebook Page
Iguana Article
April Appearance of Scott Camil on CNN Disrupting the Media Message!
Our own Chapter 14 Coordinator Scott Camil Appeared on CNN this week in a discussion about the current war scandal in Afghanistan in which photos of US soldiers posing with body parts have been released. Scott distinguished himself by speaking the truth about War in a way rarely heard on television. When asked about the photos he replied “you’re nit picking when you’re talking about things like people posing with bodies. The real question should be why are we at war in the first place? Why are we killing so many people in the first place? The concern over posing with someone that’s dead, it seems to me the fact that that person is dead and that we’re killing people is more important than what happens after they’re dead.” Camil continued: “What I understand is what it’s like to be in a war zone and I understand the behavior in a war zone. And I would say that, first of all, that war is really an institution made up of criminal behavior. When we as civilians want to solve our problems, we’re not allowed to murder people and burn their houses down. I don’t see why war is an acceptable means of conflict resolution. And furthermore, the majority of people that die are innocent civilians.” His comments changed the course of discussion with one of the panel members agreeing while others tried to maintain the status quo discussion which another guest described as offering support for the soldiers do they would understand the World is watching, another words, keep their body parts photos and other inconvenient facts about War to themselves.
Vets Speak Out at Santa Fe College
March 23,