2010 Events
VFP Gainesville Chapter 14 joins Florida Veterans for Common Sense in their
Resolution against the Afghan escalation
Fourth Annual Veterans Speak Out
Wednesday: February 17,
6:30-9:00 pm
Santa Fe College, Northwest Gainesville Campus
From Vets speak |
All veterans, of all opinions, are invited to tell their stories, speak their minds, and answer questions from the public. Topics included Iraq, Afghanistan and the “Global War on Terror”
Sponsored by SFC Global Society, in conjunction with Community Coalition Against War & Terrorism
and Veterans for Peace Chapter 14
Rally Against Meal Limits!
photo from Gainesville Sun Article
A rally against meal limits featuring music, speakers, and protest songs iwas held from 2-4pm on Sat., Feb. 13, at the Bo Diddley Downtown Community Plaza in Gainesville. Tables were set up for voter registration, so students and others who aren’t yet registered can vote in the upcoming City elections. The event is completely free and open to the public, but those who wish can bring a can of food to donate. Sponsored by The HomeVan, Veterans for Peace, C.A.R.E., and St Vincent de Paul.
A petition to increase the feeding limit was circulated
Peace Poetry Contest and Awards Ceremony
Vets for Peace” believes that poetry is a prime and meaningful medium
for creating a “culture of peace.” Poetry uses and ancient format
to advance culture and learning. It makes creative use of language
and ideas to advance the creation of folk art. VFP believes that
peace poetry contests can help change the cultural focus from “poetry
of war” to “poetry for peace”, a much broader, humanitarian
appeal.” – excerpt from the 2010 Peace Poetry Booklet written by Jessica Newman.S
Here is a sample Poem:
Peace Poem
Peace is like a pillow of fleece
when the world lays its head down
for some sleep.
When it counts the sheep in its dreams,
the wars will cease,
for Peace has come.
By William Davidson, Grade 6
The contest Is held in the Spring and is open to all k-12 students in Alachua County. Winners get certificates for books at local book stores and thier poems are published in a booklet with copies given to Families and a pdf copy published here on our website.
Memorial Day 2010

This is the 4th year of this display. It is the result of hundreds hours of work by hundreds of community volunteers, many of them veterans. Organized and directed by Sargeant Scott Camil, US Marine Corps.
The flags placed on individual tombstone signify a personal connection to that soldier by someone affiliated with Vets for Peace or by one of our visitors to the display.
Thanks to all the hard working volunteers who turned out for work days building the tombstones and on Memorial Day weekend to make this event happen.